Former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich admitted in front of a conservative Christian group today that he was having an affair at the same time he was leading the charge for Bill Clinton to be impeached. When I read that, I asked myself, ‘Are you kidding me?’ Gingrich did not call his actions hypocritical, as he did make a valid point that Clinton perjured himself in front of a federal judge. The thing is though, Newt, that the whole impeachment thing and independent counsel Ken Starr were not looking into Clinton’s illegitimate comments in front of the judge, but instead were running a witch hunt comparable to the Salem Witch Trials. Newt and the gang were out to crucify Clinton for anything and when they couldn’t succeed on an actual legal premise, they played the moral card.
Newt, who fancies himself a potential presidential candidate in 2008 (I ask myself again, ‘Are you kidding me?’) has campaigned in the past on a generic GOP platform of family values and morals, evidently something he forgot that he lacks (he forgot to look in the mirror). He has been divorced twice, with his most recent divorce in 2000. Newt now resides with his third wife, a former congressional aid who is 20 years his junior (robbing the cradle) and the one whom he had been having the affair with. One can sense that I have a lot of pent up hatred towards Newt Gingrich and for good reason. Like a lot of his GOP friends (Rush Limbaugh- OXYCONTIN and Bill O’Reilly- BEATOFF) who tout the family values and morals line, Newt is what I term a hypocrite.
This is a man that even Bill Clinton despises and Bill Clinton does not despise many. Say what you want about Bill, but I did not see Newt’s approval rating through the roof when he resigned from Congress (his approval rating as speaker was at 28% and he resigned for violations of ethics and hypocrisy rules). I am firmly aware that humans are not perfect, trust me. But when you’re a politician and you attempted to crucify a man for his moral values and you committed the same act, I believe it becomes necessary for Newt to cease to chatter, much less run for president. If Newt does indeed run for president, there is a good chance he will receive a taste of his own medicine, either from the Democrats or the media, as I am sure that he has a few more infidelities somewhere in the closet. Newt, your 15 minutes has been up for a few years now; drop the politician act, it’s not your thing.