I wish I had solutions to offer for this cause, but as of right now I believe that none would work and you shall see why. As I sat around this evening consuming a Miller High Life (I beg to differ that it is the champagne of beers), I asked myself what in the hell I was doing. I then recalled a quote from one of the most prolific cinematic features of the twentieth century, Terminator 2: Judgment Day. The Terminator (Arnold Schwarzenegger) proclaims, “It's in your nature to destroy yourselves.” Psychologists term self destruction as “self defeating behavior.”
The Terminator trilogy may not be the most credible source of infinite knowledge, but the quote has rained true since humans have roamed the Earth (at least homo sapien sapien). Even in an era where modern medicine and technology has augmented the life span of someone in the industrial world to almost 78 years, we still find new ways to destroy ourselves and everything around us. It was built into our most basic genes long ago that we do not know when to stop; for good or bad.
Look at OUR planet, planet Earth. No matter how you look at it, Earth was placed in our charge by either God or evolution. What has our “progressive” species done to it? We have managed to screw it up to the point where we are on the brink of disaster for ourselves and the other creatures that call Earth home. I subscribe to the theory (or paradigm) of global warming. We have managed to crank out more carbon dioxide and other various pollutants than our atmosphere can handle. In turn the average global temperature will shoot up over 3 degrees in the next 50 years, which on a planetary scale is massive and in this case, catastrophic.
We have even managed to over populate the Earth. I am not claiming that 6 billion people are too many people, nor am I claiming that a socialist utopia is the answer. Everyday we add somewhere in the neighborhood of 1 million new people. The newest members of Earth are more often than not born in the 3rd world, where in essence, they do not consume anywhere near the amount of resources that an American newborn will. Those of us in the industrialized world consume more than our fair share of resources, which is what I mean by over population. But on the other hand by 2010 there will be over 7 billion people living on the Earth. There will come a time when we run out of resources for those of us rich and poor. When we eliminated “natural population control”, i.e. diseases such as smallpox, the plague, TB (for the most part), etc…we hastened the demise of future generations.
What about our “personal habits” that leads to our demise? By far the most preventable cause of death has to do with smoking. The World Health Organization predicts that over 1 billion people will die this century due to smoking. Maybe I was wrong when I said that population control methods were out of the mix. It is a scientific fact that smoking is detrimental to human health, yet we do it because we think we are invincible (or vain in some cases). The leading cause of death worldwide (which can be attributed to smoking is heart disease). Over 8 million people die a year in the world from heart disease. Why? The answer is simple; our eating habits are atrocious (in the industrialized world we do not know when to quit, i.e. stress). What ever happened to fruits and vegetables, you know natural produce?
It seems to me that no matter what we do, we are essentially defeating ourselves. We find ways to defeat ourselves on a personal level and we manage to find even more ways on the collective level. It is as if we choose to intentionally suffer. Maybe suffering is part of being human (such as the crab fisherman I am watching on TV). I do not think that there is one cause for our self destructive behavior, but I find it amusing how it manages to catch on to everyone in all cultures and societies all around the world. Maybe this is a theory that will be debated for the next millennia, if we are around that long.