07 April 2007

For Sale: Chicago Cubs- Sold!

Well not really, but If I had three quarters of a billion dollars I wouldn’t mind investing in a professional sports team as prestigious as the Cubs. Sadly, I lack that kind of capital (play lotto, get ripped off), but there is no shortage of individuals with that kind of pocket change. The move to wholesale the Cubs came earlier in the week after Sam Zell (who owns part of the White Sox and Bulls) purchased the Tribune Company for a petty $8.2 billion. He has declined to state why he wants to liquidate one of the Tribune Company’s biggest assets.

Estimates put the team’s worth at around $600 million, but I have the distinct feeling that by season’s end that number will be around the billion dollar vicinity (what’s $400 million between friends?). The Tribune Company only paid a miniscule $20.5 million for the team in 1981, which is a good indicator of the sway sports franchises have in our current culture in the U.S. Who has one eye on the team and one hand firmly attached to their wallets? Rumor has it that Mark Cuban, Jerry Colangelo, and even Bill Murray are interested in the team.

The first thing running through Cub’s fans heads is whether the team would be leaving Chicago or even Wrigley field if per se someone such as Cuban purchases them. Basically, my thinking is that it will be a cold day in hell before that happens, because if it does, the term “Chicago Riots” will become part of American folklore. With their local and playing grounds likely secured, I welcome a new owner, as the Tribune Company has lacked any positive influence over the franchise. But at least the Tribune Company has realized over the past few years that fans wanted to see a winning team, hence they $300 million they shelled out this past off season.

The plan is to sell the team by season’s end, which may or may not be a good thing for player morale and concentration. The bidding war for the team is going to intense, as the team is one of the most prestigious in all of sports. The Cubs have fans reaching into all 50 states and a few foreign nations. You are not a citizen of this planet if you do not know what the “C” means. Never the less, the new owner of team will undoubtedly be aggressive, which is what fans crave to end the 99 year World Series championship drought. Stay tuned folks; this one could get very interesting as the season progresses.

05 April 2007

I Thought I Had Seen It All, Until…
I became acquainted with the Westboro Baptist Church located in Topeka, Kansas. These supposed zealots of theological knowledge base their beliefs around the denunciation of Roman Catholics (thanks), Muslims, Jews, and especially homosexuals. They have even condemned Canada and Sweden, two of the most “tyrannical” nations in history. But I am sure that Canada and Sweden aren’t concerned, only the families of fallen soldiers who have served in Iraq.

These so called primitive Anabaptists-Calvinists have helped to found the Anti-Defamation League, a hate group that protests at the funerals of fallen soldiers (Martin Luther and John Calvin would be proud). The Church and Anti-Defamation league is essentially made up of one family (a woman with ten kids) who broadcast hatred that Satan would savor. Various examples of their abhorrent slander includes: “Thank God for 9/11. Thank God for Katrina, Dyke Nuns and Fag Priests (outside of Catholic Churches), Fag Troops, and even Do Not Worship the Dead.”

I find it amusing that these people label themselves a church. I can deal with the hate group brand because it is true, but claiming you are from a church is crossing the line. I am Roman Catholic (Irish variety) and I am firmly aware of why the Reformation occurred. To make a really long story short, Protestant believe in justification through faith alone, while Catholics believe in justification through faith and good works.

The point is there maybe theological differences between Protestants, Catholics, Jews, Muslims, and other denominations- but no one worships Satan. In essence we are all human, we just have a few minor differences in belief and these people exploit and blow these differences out of proportion at the expense of our dead soldiers. The last time I checked, the soldiers have done nothing wrong; they are in Iraq because they were sent there by the president.

Most western faiths are centered on the doctrine that we must submit to the authorities on Earth because God put those authorities here for us to follow. The soldiers are following that very authority that God put on Earth. The point is that the Westboro Baptist Church does not have an argument based on theology. They do not have an argument in general because their attitude is treasonous to this nation, no matter if we or they believe in the war that is being fought. Calling fallen soldiers fags is sickening, much less berating anyone who is a homosexual for their belief and actions. This is the land of the individual and of the aggregate of individual opinions and that aggregate says the “church” is wrong.

03 April 2007

No More Sunsets
As I was browsing the annals of CNN, I discovered a report on a documentary detailing the last days of a meth addict’s life entitled, “No More Sunsets: The Last Days of a Meth Addict.” Shawn Bridges, a former truck driver died a few weeks ago at the age of 35, a seemingly young age by any measure. Bridges used a variety of drugs throughout most of his teenaged and adult life, with a special affection for methamphetamine, which caused his ultimate demise. Bridges thought it appropriate to film his impending death in order to possibly save others who may go down the very same path.

Bridges had 2 heart attacks during his short life, the first of which occurred when he was only 26. According to the trailer he was brought back both times, but never quit using. The trailer alone should be enough to persuade anyone from using meth, much less terrifying those who currently use to acquire the proper help. Meth has become a common occurrence in our culture, especially throughout the Midwest where it is produced in mass quantity. The documentary has even caught the eyes of many school administrators and teachers who are showing the documentary in schools.

In all actuality Methamphetamine is a simple concoction of ingredients, which up until a few years ago were readily available. Meth (or crystal meth when made in a woodshed out back) is also known by the name Desoxyn, a legal prescription drug used to treat disorders such as ADHD and narcolepsy. The structure of the pure version of the drug is quite similar to synthesized versions of ephedrine and pseudoephedrine. Ephedrine was banned in the U.S. by the FDA a few years back due to a serious health risk the stimulant posed on the hearts of athletes, as the drug was typically used in athletic and weight loss supplements.

States such as Illinois have imposed a registry for those who purchase pseudoephedrine, which is commonly used in cold medicines like Sudafed. Needless to say, it does take a massive amount of these over the counter drugs to produce meth, but the trouble is that the purification process tends to quite literally “blow people up” due to the massive amounts of explosive chemicals used in the process. Besides death, the common addict will deal with symptoms that include “meth mouth,” where the teeth and gums essentially rot away, skin lesions and ulcers, and the essential shorting out of their sex drive.

I believe that individuals should at least take a look at the trailer for the film, as it is quite powerful in itself. If kids knew that they could one day end up like Shawn Bridges, the world would be a safer, healthier, and smarter place. Addiction does ruin lives and this is a drug that no one should ever experiment with; it is that powerful. Watch the trailer and you will get my point; there are indeed no more sunsets for those who are addicted to meth.