07 December 2006

Iraq and Our Sex Crazed Culture

The Iraq Study Group published their report today in an official capacity. The report essentially calls for a gradual troop reduction starting in 2008, with minimal U.S. forces staying on in an advisory role. Will “W” accept the results? Only the wall knows and the hamster that runs around in his skull (his brain). The group consisted of an equal amount of democrats and republicans, which I guess you could say is bi-partisan. The whooping and the hollering over the report maybe a bit exaggerated over the coming days, but at least it is something. If the group’s ideas manage to resonate with the president, the following actions will resemble the twilight of the Vietnam War. After we go into the country, fuck it up, we pull our asses out with our tails between our legs. Good job “W,” another stunning victory for the United States of America.

On a lighter note it has been revealed that Dick Cheney’s daughter, Mary is pregnant. Not a big deal you say? This one even has Big Dick’s own party ragging his ass. Mary Cheney is indeed a lesbian and is having this child with her partner of 15 years. I personally do not see the problem in it, big deal, it happens all the time now. But remember, Cheney belongs to the REPUBLICAN party, the conservatives. His so called allies are already criticizing Cheney over it. The ironic part in all of this is that the Bush Whitehouse has never supported same sex marriage and has quite frankly spoken out against it being wrong and immoral. What a dad! Hopefully this teaches ol’ Dick a lesson; do not associate with people who despise your kids.

In other news the Senate unanimously confirmed Robert Gates today as defense secretary with a 95-2 vote. I wish Gates luck and lots of it. I’ll send him my lucky rabbit’s foot. I have also taken note of the fact that Britney Spears has been Yahoo’s top search for the past week. Are Americans and the rest of the world that concerned with seeing her puss? Yeah I went and found it, but I used the Google because the Google knows all (mocking “W”). I really cannot say that I am all that impressed with it. It’s just a snapper; shit I can Google that and see about a million of them. Personally I have never really been all that impressed with Spears, as she is just another blonde bimbo in the line of thousands that seems to permeate through our society. I also believe that people are searching like mad to find the supposed sex tape that she and Kevin Federline (fuck tard) made. Yeah, I don’t think I’ll be looking for that one anytime soon.

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