As I was viewing time’s blog, specifically a blog by Joe Klein exclaiming the characteristics of “left wing extremists.” These are not just characteristics of say, Fidel Castro or Tito, but characteristics that seem to resound in our current political system. These are the type of comments that infuriate me, as it is ludicrous to believe that anyone would buy into such blasphemy. Allow me to address a few of Mr. Klein’s claims.
In the realm of foreign policy, we have these comments:
--believes the United States is a fundamentally negative force in the world.
--believes that American imperialism is the primary cause of Islamic radicalism.
--believes that the decision to go to war in Iraq was not an individual case of monumental stupidity, but a consequence of America’s fundamental imperialistic nature.
--believes the United States is a fundamentally negative force in the world.
--believes that American imperialism is the primary cause of Islamic radicalism.
--believes that the decision to go to war in Iraq was not an individual case of monumental stupidity, but a consequence of America’s fundamental imperialistic nature.
A lot of these comments are going to be blown out of proportion and “misread,” but it is the opinion of many that the US is an increasingly negative actor in world politics. I would not say that America is again an imperial power, such as England was throughout much of the 18th, 19th, and some of the 20th centuries. But needless to say, it is a terrifying prospect and could soon become reality, especially if our war monger president decides to pick another fight. America is not the cause of Islamic radicalism, but in essence our current activities in the Middle East are pissing off a lot of Islamic fundamentalists, which could lead to perpetual terror in our nation.
In the realm of domestic policy, we have these comments:
--believes that eternal problems like crime and poverty are the primarily the fault of society.
--believes that America isn’t really a democracy.
--believes that corporations are fundamentally evil.
--believes in a corporate conspiracy that controls the world.
--is intolerant of good ideas when they come from conservative sources.
--dismissively mocks people of faith, especially those who are opposed to abortion and gay marriage.
--regularly uses harsh, vulgar, intolerant language to attack moderates or conservatives.
--believes that eternal problems like crime and poverty are the primarily the fault of society.
--believes that America isn’t really a democracy.
--believes that corporations are fundamentally evil.
--believes in a corporate conspiracy that controls the world.
--is intolerant of good ideas when they come from conservative sources.
--dismissively mocks people of faith, especially those who are opposed to abortion and gay marriage.
--regularly uses harsh, vulgar, intolerant language to attack moderates or conservatives.
I disagree that our society has caused poverty, but it is the fault of the individual. Remember, we all have a little thing called free will, which we can think how we want, hence we can motivate ourselves to work anytime that we want. I have news Mr. Klein, America is not a democracy. America is a federal republic with democratic tendencies. It does not take a scholar to figure that one out. The founders did not want to create a democracy, but a republic. Democracy in its own right is one of the worse forms of government on the planet; nothing would ever get done, just ask the Greeks.
Corporations are really not a bad thing, they help to drive the economy and make the U.S. a world power. Corporations just add to income inequality and such minor pains in the side. I am not going to even address the comment about corporate conspiracies, which is simply not even true. I cannot speak for my fellow liberals, but I personally look at new ideas without filtering them through my party ID. I give the ideas careful though and if it is a decent idea, I am game to listen more. If not, chances are it was a dumb idea. I do not dismiss those who are opposed to abortion and gay marriage, I simply disagree with them. I am sure that they have their reasons for their beliefs, as well as I do. Did I use intolerant and vulgar language to express myself? Nope!
Corporations are really not a bad thing, they help to drive the economy and make the U.S. a world power. Corporations just add to income inequality and such minor pains in the side. I am not going to even address the comment about corporate conspiracies, which is simply not even true. I cannot speak for my fellow liberals, but I personally look at new ideas without filtering them through my party ID. I give the ideas careful though and if it is a decent idea, I am game to listen more. If not, chances are it was a dumb idea. I do not dismiss those who are opposed to abortion and gay marriage, I simply disagree with them. I am sure that they have their reasons for their beliefs, as well as I do. Did I use intolerant and vulgar language to express myself? Nope!
1 comment:
Hey Flemmdog...couldn't help but comment on this one. It is because of the corporation's ability to monopolize and globalize and the fact that they are viewed as an individual in the U.S. court systems that has, not caused, but attributed to the rate of poverty in our country. This monopolizing and globalization in turn takes away good paying jobs from the people of the United States. Do you think that people in poverty are choosing to be in poverty? It is a misconception that people who are on welfare are unemployed, and if they are, that those people are not looking for jobs. Most of them are employed in corporations (i.e. McDonald's or WalMart) which are companies that pay them minimum wage or a little higher and often schedule them less than forty hours a week so they can not receive benefits. And the sad thing is, they CAN treat their employees like shit because there are so many other people that desperately need work the job if the employee quits. You should go see the documentary "The Corporation." It's actually SUPER fucked up. Corporate conspiracies occur EVERY DAY in the United States. Do you know that WalMart actually hands out a sheet of the available welfare programs to their employees? THAT'S FUCKED UP!
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