I am unsure if confusion is a symptom of being young or it is a condition that pervades through all of us throughout our lives. Confusion can make us do and say things that lack logic in all senses of the word. It strives to turn us into something that we are not. I learned long ago that the world is a big and scary place; a place that will obliterate every ounce of being that encompasses the soul. Yet, I have learned to look past that fear; fear will only destroy what little you have. What has replaced that fear is frustration, a frustration of a different sort that only the most abstract of thinkers can hope to comprehend.
It isn’t that I fear people, as we only fear things which we do not understand. The world that I see today, the people that I see bring rise to a single emotion, the emotion of frustration. The world around us is based upon logic, yet it seems as if the very foundation of logic has long ago eroded into an entanglement of nonsense. When all you do is observe the human condition, you tend to become bitter, that is to say, frustrated at our current state of affairs. I do not speak of morals per say, as it is not my place to judge the beliefs and actions of others; I am speaking of a much larger and abstract condition.
I have stated it before and I will state it again, I have lost faith in humanity. Throughout my short existence on this planet, I can count on one hand the number of people that I have met who have contradicted the previous statement. If everyone on this planet was more like those people, the world would be much better off. It seems as if the world of the past thousand years has effectively altered our stature in the grand scheme of things. Instead of survival, we now are now fixated on our own selfish endeavors, superior and appalling; things that we are not by nature suppose to even fret about.
It is not my intent to claim that I understand each and every person on this planet, as we all lead very different and distinct lives. But I do understand one aspect of every person on this planet and that is instinct. If you are breathing, there is always a portion of the brain that never quiets down. We all share it, as I believe it to be a primitive response to what we once were. It all boils down to survival; what you need to do in order to sustain yourself. It is in essence, the built in “selfish chip.” It is what most psychologists would term the “fight or flight” reflex.
You could be a walking saint for all I care, but I know deep down that we both operate on the same “platform.” If it is my intent to harm another person, physically or otherwise, “fight or flight” kicks in. It is as if we all believe that every person out there is out to “get us.” The world we have created has turned a survival mechanism into a mechanism of deceit; we are more confused than ever. It is this confusion in our world that leads to frustration for some, including myself. It isn’t that the world is filled with bad people, but confused people who are reacting to the times in a manner in which we are conditioned to respond.
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