22 December 2006

The Ludicrous Beliefs of Holocaust Deniers

Recently, a story of a Holocaust denier has hit the news. British writer David Irving was imprisoned in Austria for his beliefs concerning what “actually” happened in Germany from 1939-1945 at countless Nazi concentration camps. These individuals that deny that the Holocaust never occurred blame those who were wrongly imprisoned for what happened to them. Currently Austrian and German law makes it illegal to deny the Holocaust. There is really no better way to put it, but what in the hell is wrong with these people?

The actions of Adolph Hitler and his zombie like Nazi Party during World War II is by far one of, if not the biggest atrocity of the 20th century. Over 6 million Jews were wrongly imprisoned and murdered in concentration camps simply based on the preposterous theory that Jews were an inferior race to the Aryans (i.e. blue eyed, blonde Germans). Hitler subscribed to the Social Darwinist theory of one race being superior to another based on skin color and country of origin. His goal was to make the German race hegemonic on a world scale, i.e. the Third Reich. The ironic fact is that Hitler was quarter Jewish, as many of his descendants were practicing Jews (this interesting tid-bid never got out during his time in power). Hitler was a mental case and this goes to show the sheer madness that pervaded his peculiar though process.

History tells us that Hitler ran countless concentration camps throughout Germany and many of the lands his army invaded from 1939-1945. Many in the west were oblivious to the fact that these camps even existed, much less the appalling acts that were being committed behind the closely guarded gates. It was not until late in the war when the allied powers began entering German territory to discover the masses of ravenous Jews, POWs, and countless other races being kept against their wills. Many of those responsible for these atrocities were subsequently convicted of crimes against humanity at the infamous Nuremburg trials that followed the allied victory.

I would not consider these individuals that deny the Holocaust ever happened as “neo-Nazis.” But instead I would consider them individuals that are not exactly in touch with humanity, anti Semitic so to say. There is not a shadow of a doubt in my mind, much less the minds of millions that the Holocaust happened. It has been the subject of many publications and is something that we learn throughout our years of primary and secondary education in the United States. There is simply no denying the facts of what happened in Nazi Germany during WWII. The myriad of video footage, accounts of those that experienced it firsthand, the stories of the allied troops that liberated the camps, the Nuremburg trials themselves when Nazi officials even admitted their actions, the decrepit presence of where the camps once stood, and even Hitler’s own words in Mien Kampf further detail evidence to the contrary.

This is surely not the act of mass propaganda that has pervaded our western societies over the past sixty years; it is simply stating the truth. Blaming those who were wrongly imprisoned in camps such as Austerlitz, Birkenau, Belzec, etc… is sheer madness. I really haven’t the slightest clue of how these people have come to these conclusions when the facts outweigh their misconstrued view of the past. Their beliefs of the past are insulting to the families of those who experienced one of the lowest points in humanity, much less those who perished in the camps for their beliefs. Some events of the past are best left untouched and this is one of them.

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